Stefan Johannes Hanke

Stefan Johannes Hanke was born in Regensburg in 1984. From 2004 to 2009, he studied composition with Heinz Winbeck in Würzburg and Manfred Trojahn in Düsseldorf. Since 2006, Hanke has been busy writing commissioned works for various organizations such as the German Music Council, the Heidelberger Frühling, the ADEvantgarde Festival, young.euro.classics, and the Mainfrankentheater ofWürzburg. For the 2011/12 season, he composed the children’s opera “Der Teufel mitden drei goldenen Haaren” in response to a commission from the Hannover State Opera. It was well-received by pubic and press alike. As the recipient of a grant from the Free State of Bavaria, Hanke has spent six months in Paris, the “Cité des Arts”. In 2013/14 he will be on scholarship at the German Academy Villa Massimo in Rome. His music is regularly performed in Germany and abroad. Stefan Johannes Hanke currently resides and works in Düsseldorf.