Wolfgang Sieber

Wolfgang Sieber was born in 1954 and studied piano, organ and church music. His teachers included Hans Vollenweider in Zurich, Jiri Reinberger in Prague, Gaston Litaize and Jean Langlais in Paris, and Franz Lehrndorfer in Munich. His work as a soloist, accompanist, rehearsal pianist and chamber music partner encompasses classical, ethnic and folk music as well as some jazz, and his performances in a wide range of programmes, styles and groups reach as far afield as Konzeptimprovisation. His thirty CD recordings take him from Berlin to the KKL, and from Japan to the the Alpine hinterland. Besides being active as an interpreter and composer, Sieber teaches children and youth as well as concert organ classes for the Swiss Music Pedagogic Association. He is a supporter of young musicians and works at facilitating and initiating encounters with composers, concert series’, promotional organizations, premiere performances. He also appears on juries, is an examination expert and works as an organ consultant.

As a church musician at the monastery church of St. Leodeger in Lucerne, Wolfgang engages in a broad range of musical activities. He serves as the monastery organist, and has at his disposal the historically restored Walpen organ, which is the most stylistically diverse instrument of its kind in Switzerland. It is due to Sieber’s initiative that pipe layout, dating from 1648/1862 and set aside in 1972, has been re-introduced in the “organ landscape of the cathedral.” An echowerk is being planned for the Great Organ, and will find a place in the choir area of the cathedral. In November 2009, Wolfgang Sieber was awarded the Art and Culture Prize by the city of Lucerne.
